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"Dates are almost life supporting.  After a meal, and as soon as possible, they should be eaten by putting one in the mouth, allowing the stone to come free and be discarded, then leaving the flesh of the date to melt in the mouth.  The longer it remains there, the better it is for the digestion of the food in the stomach, on the principle that digestion is not carried on principally by the stimulating action of the food in the stomach, but because of the pleasure afforded the palate at the mouth.

In the middle of the forenoon if you feel depressed, eat a few dates in the following manner; eat slowly all you desire except one, and allow that one to melt in the mouth in the manner stated.  But do not take dates too near to the time of the noon meal, as you may weaken your appetite.

In the middle of the afternoon if again you feel depressed physically, take dates in the manner already described for the forenoon.

As no person should go to sleep at night on an empty stomach, unless the evening meal has been taken too close to the time of retiring, it is wise to take three or four dates just as you get into bed; eating all but one and allowing the last one to remain in the mouth to melt away. This is one of the best cures for sleeplessness unless too heavy an evening meal has been eaten."