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Clarity of Extracts

Some of our liquid herbal extract products are naturally "cloudy" in appearance due to the character of the herb or herbs dissolved or suspended in them. No matter how long they set, they will never appear completely clear. Note: these dissolved or suspended particles make the product do what it is supposed to. Occasionally, there will be some settlement of the herb or herbs dissolved or suspended in the liquid around the sides of the bottle or on the pipette (eyedropper). The explanation for this is that, with some herbs or combination of herbs, their particles float in the extract liquid during the filtering process and later settle some.

Temperature and pressure changes can and do influence this occurrence during and after making an extract. Also, it should be noted that herbs and good herbal extracts contain some natural oils, and some of these oil droplets may appear on the surface of the herbal extract. Both the particles and natural oil droplets could be removed, but then the extract would not be as strong. This is part of your guarantee that we put as much herb or herbs as possible into your extracts. This same occurrence can also be observed in natural juices where some settlement occurs. Shaking the juice or herbal extract prepares it for use with its full taste and effect.