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Basic Guidelines for Daily Dietary Intake

•6 to 12   8-ounce glasses of water
•6 or more vegetables per day
•8 to 12 whole grain choices
•2 to 4 dairy/meat/*legumes (2-3)
•4 or more fruit
*Legumes:  Beans and peas, for example

Eat at least three times per day, choosing a variety of foods from these different groups of nutritional foods and consume approximately 2,000 calories per day.  Some people do well on a little less, and many people do well on a lot more calories each day as they get used to the lower fat approach to eating.  Most active people can easily consume four to six thousand calories, keeping the percentage of fat in their daily intake of calories to 20 to 30% along with exercise lasting 30 to 60 minutes at a time, three or more times per week.  Walking,  the newer cardiac machines, low impact/mild aerobics, dancing are all good exercises.  This will result in an abundance of energy, balancing of proper weight and wonderful vitality.